New College - Forecourt to New College student residence featuring a round concrete planter curb around an existing mature deciduous tree. New College - Forecourt to New College student residence featuring a round concrete planter curb around an existing mature deciduous tree.
New College Plaza

University of Toronto


Toronto, Ontario


University Streetscape


University of Toronto




Van Eslander + Associates


A new architectural portico extends the interior corridor out into the landscape. The historic New College courtyard layout is mimicked in the new streetscape. Mature existing trees are enveloped by a curvilinear curb. New unit pavers extend the pedestrian realm providing places for students and faculty to study, gather and socialize.

project highlights

New College Plaza - integrated wayfinding signage and seating in unit paved walkway New College Plaza - integrated wayfinding signage and seating in unit paved walkway
New College Plaza - wood slat bench on concrete base at building wall New College Plaza - wood slat bench on concrete base at building wall
Forecourt to New College student residence featuring a round concrete planter curb around an existing mature deciduous tree. Forecourt to New College student residence featuring a round concrete planter curb around an existing mature deciduous tree.
View west along the Willcocks Streetscape with an architectural portico to the right and street trees in a sodded boulevard on the left. View west along the Willcocks Streetscape with an architectural portico to the right and street trees in a sodded boulevard on the left.
New College Plaza New College Plaza - students walk below the porticos.
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